December 2020 // Archive

Date based archive
06 Dec

When you begin your weight loss journey, the first thing that you do is to note your weight since this is the benchmark that you keep to mark your progress.

However, when you start exercising for weight loss, you burn calories, lose fat and build muscle. Ironically, a kg of muscle weighs the same as a kg of fat.

So, how do you measure?

It is important to understand that both fat and muscle are necessary for a healthy body. So in the case of fat vs. muscle there can be no clear winner. It is the balance of the two that really matters.

Technically fat has a greater volume whereas the muscle fibres have a greater density. This means, a kg of muscle takes up less space and looks smaller than a kg of fat. So you may see differences in your body composition, strength and energy, but not on the number on the scale.

Also, fats cannot be converted into muscles. Muscles grow when you put them to work. No exercise, no muscle. On the contrary, they will decrease in size, slowing your metabolism and increasing your fats.

Muscle boosts your metabolism and is therefore important for your body and overall fitness. They burn more calories even while at rest. So, if you have more muscles, you will burn more calories and eventually not accumulate extra fats.

Muscle surrounds the bones and works to strengthen them and reduce the risk of bone injuries.

Another benefit of developing muscles is an improvement in your core strength and balance.

Muscles improve your blood circulation, digestive health and the overall health of all your organs by being continuously engaged in calorie burning activity.

When you understand the difference between muscle mass and fats and work towards balancing the both, what you achieve is a better body definition.

It is only possible when you follow the two-dimensional process of weight loss and fitness – right diet and right physical exercise.

So, follow the diet that is right for you, do regular exercise and focus on overall fitness rather than just the scale.

06 Dec

There are many diet plans prevailing in the market which promises quick weight loss. If things are as simple as they say, why ain’t they successful?

There is one common saying “ Slow and steady, wins the race.” And this holds true for the weight loss process as well.

These fad and crash diets either completely change the way you eat, completely remove certain foods from your diet or make you eat only certain food items repeatedly.

Is this way of losing weight actually safe?

Through this article, we are sharing some insights on temporary weight loss versus the right way of achieving fitness. Because we know there is a difference! Read on to know how!

Temporary weight loss can never be permanently healthy

The fad and crash diets will help you lose weight, but not in a healthy way. These diets do not burn calories or remove fats or sustain a healthy weight in the long run. The number on the scale will decrease, and so will your overall health.

You will lose weight but temporarily. On the contrary, the body may gain weight once your crash diet course is over.

They don’t emphasize on exercising

“Lose weight without exercise.” Isn’t the statement funny in itself?

Primarily, exercise prevents regaining the extra fats that your body burns. The fatty acids in our body are utilized by the muscles, which helps in maintaining healthy body weight.

They are risky for your overall health

Fad or crash diets can cause some serious health issues. These diets can deprive you of the necessary nutrients and can even lead to major heart problems.

If you follow these diets for a longer period of time, your body cycle gets dependent on it for its regular working. When you stop following them, it can lead to health and lifestyle disorders.

It’s dangerous to follow the trend

A diet which worked for your friend may not work for you. Not just that, if it worked on your friend’s body, it can prove to be equally harmful to your body.

And if you are already at a risk for diseases these diets can even make the situation worse.

There are healthier alternatives

There is no quick fix to healthy weight loss. It is important to plan and discuss with experts before taking any diet plan.

There are many alternatives for weight loss plans which are worth the effort. Talk to our experts and see what works for your body.

Remember, it is all about preserving your health, leading a disease-free life and eventually feeling good about yourself.

06 Dec

What is Lactose?

Lactose is a form of sugar which is made up of glucose and galactose. It is mostly found in milk products. Lactose is split into glucose and galactose by an enzyme called Lactase. Our body consumes this glucose and galactose in the form of energy.

When we eat something containing lactose, lactase, the enzyme present in the small intestine breaks it down into glucose and galactose which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. These sugar forms are then consumed in the form of energy to provide fuel to the body.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

When lactase activity is reduced in the small intestine, lactose is not digested and can get fermented by the intestine leading lactose intolerance.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

Abdominal pain




What are the causes of Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is very common. This digestive disorder can be caused either due to a decrease in lactase production due to age or it can also be caused due to illness like a stomach bug or celiac disease. The inflammation in the gut leads to a decline in the production of lactase.

What to do in Lactose Intolerance?

If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms after consuming dairy products like milk, curd, buttermilk, cheese, butter or products made from these food items, you may need to cut back or remove dairy products from their diets.

However, dairy products are important sources of nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamins like A, B12 and D. So, without these essential nutrients, your body may suffer health-related problems. Conclusively, you will need to get these nutrients from other sources instead.

It is therefore important to replace it with suitable alternative sources of calcium, vitamins, proteins.

How to treat Lactose Intolerance?

If your body is unable to produce lactase enzyme you can provide your body with this enzyme from other sources.

Besides, according to studies, probiotics and prebiotics are also good alternatives for reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance.

What is the conclusion?

You cannot afford to stay deprived of the important nutrients it gets from the dairy products. However, if your body is not able to digest dairy food products, it is still possible to have a healthy and balanced diet without it. Just make sure that your protein, calcium and vitamins to get everything that your body needs to produce energy.